The recipe overview is the root menu from which you can add, edit and delete crafting recipes. It should look like this:

The menu consist of the create recipe buttons on the left, a back button at the top left and the existing recipes on the right. Each recipe entry consists out of:

The 'Back' button will take you back to the Item Set Edit Menu, remembering the changes you made. Do note that these changes are not physically saved to the file unless you press the 'Save' button in the aforementioned menu.

The create recipe buttons, the copy button and the edit button will open up a submenu where you can edit the crafting recipe. For more information about that process, head over to the individual pages of the submenus:

The edit and copy buttons open the submenu of the type of recipe that is edited/copied. In the case of copy, clicking the create/apply button will create a new entry with the modified recipe. In the case of edit, clicking the create/apply button will replace the recipe of that entry with the modified recipe.


Upgrades can be used to create complicated crafting recipes. Clicking this button will take you to the upgrade overview. More information can be found if you follow that link.